Paul Marcus Wines
- 9am–7pm daily
Customers and people in the wine business will tell you, Paul Marcus Wines is arguably the finest wine shop in the Bay Area, especially for its size. As the first retailer to open in Rockridge Market Hall over 30 years ago Paul and Market Hall Foods (Pasta Shop) are the only continuous owners. The focus has always been wines from Europe. You will not find a better selection of Italian wines anywhere and the Burgundy section is a knockout. Exciting grower Champagnes, wines from the Loire, the Jura, the Rhone, Austria, Germany and Spain abound along with older wines from our cellar. We are proud of representing a new wave of wine makers from California and Oregon who are making lower alcohol food friendly wines.
The service is real, it is knowledgeable and it is good. There is no pretense.
Professors, teachers, actors, artists and a fencing manager make for an entertaining staff. Italian Buyer Joel Mullennix has been there from day one and Manager and Head Buyer Chad Arnold has taken the store to a new height of excellence.
We want our customers to enjoy wine the way we enjoy wine.
So whatever your needs are: expensive, inexpensive, pairing for your dinner, cellaring or discovering new wines, you can count on Paul Marcus Wines to provide excellence and consistency. So discover. Explore your palate. And drink the wine you love.