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Join Market Hall Foods' Truffle Club

Sign up to receive news of truffle season

Once the season begins in late fall, you’ll find fresh truffles at The Cheese Counter at Market Hall Foods in Oakland (deliverable to our Berkeley location). MH Foods Truffle Club members will be the first to hear news of these earthy gems' arrivals, availability and pricing.

Receive updates (6-8 times) throughout truffle season on fresh truffle availability, prices, new truffle products and ideas for cooking with and enjoying truffles.

Enjoy direct contact with our truffle manager/buyer and team. We are here for both the experienced chef and the first-time truffle buyer.

Guaranteed truffles. We always bring in additional truffles above our pre-orders, but we do sell out every week. Pre-ordering guarantees your truffles!

The Mysterious Truffle Demystified

Truffles are the fruiting body of a fungus closely related to mushrooms that, starting in spring, form several inches underground at the base of certain trees. They grow best within a swath that extends from just south of Madrid to the center of France and includes some of the famous truffle regions in both France and Italy. Truffles are fully formed by around June and continue to mature through the summer and into the fall.

Each year, from early November through Valentine’s Day (and sometimes into early March) a variety of pigs and truffle-sniffing canines throughout Europe are busy rooting up prized varieties of truffles. Truffles possess some of the most seductive, enigmatic and coveted flavors on earth. Their high price is driven by an inability to cultivate them, their limited area of growth and how difficult they are to harvest.

Know Your Tuber

Italian White Truffle (Tuber Magnatum)

Available mid-November through mid-January, these truffles are harvested in northern and eastern Italy. White truffles are warm beige in color and have a smooth exterior. They have an intense, musky aroma of garlic and earth. White truffles should be shaved last minute over your meal, right under your nose. They are best paired with starch and fat, like fresh egg pasta with sweet butter or grilled bread drizzled with a new harvest extra virgin olive oil.

Fall Black Truffle (Tuber Uncinatum)

Available early November through mid-December, Fall Black truffles are brought from northern Italy and southern France. Their exterior is dark brown to black with a nubby texture. The interior is light brown with broad vein detailing. The aroma, often described as half the intensity of the Winter Black truffle, is delicate and slightly musty. Fall Black truffles benefit from the heat of cooking, which increases their aroma and flavor. Layer slices of black truffle between the meat and skin of a chicken or duck.

Winter Black Truffle (Tuber Melanosporum)

Available mid-December through mid-February, these truffles are found primarily in the Périgord region of France. They are dark brown to black with a fine hatched texture, similar to a dog’s nose. The interior is dark brown with fine white vein detailing. Much earthier than white truffles, the aroma and flavor of this variety is enhanced with heat. Bake into a winter vegetable gratin.

More Truffle Inspiration